Voice of Customer Survey for Cell Therapy Raw Material

The Ask

This client had identified an opportunity for offering higher quality raw materials for cell therapy manufacturing and was interested in gathering information about the current and future market expectations to both pressure-test and guide the business opportunity.

The Impact

The client’s vision and next steps came into alignment, with a thorough understanding of the opportunity available in light of the needs and expectations of the target customer.

DHC’S Approach

DHC and the client jointly determined that a Voice of Customer survey of cell therapy developers would best address the parameters that should be taken into account when considering the raw material needs of the potential market. These parameters included the projected demand for the raw materials, manufacturing and testing requirements, variations in the product offering that would appeal to distinct market subsegments, and what kind of characterization data might interest a future customer. The steps taken to complete the project were as follows:

  1. DHC evaluated capabilities and expertise of the client to develop a full picture of what the client would eventually be prepared to offer.
  2. The client and Dark Horse worked together to craft an appropriate interview guide (set of survey questions) to address current and projected future needs for the raw materials, as well as the criteria to be considered. DHC’s diverse experience in cell therapy manufacturing processes and innately deep understanding of these processes provided an unmatched depth and accuracy to these questions.
  3. DHC reached out to our extended network of cell therapy experts and potential future consumers of the new product offering. Note the symbiotic nature of this experience: DHC’s contacts are an extremely accurate targeted subset of potential clients, meaning not only is the market research on point, but the beginnings of a manufacturer/client relationship is being seeded during the market research process.
  4. Dark Horse compiled the survey and completed the first stage of the process: an online survey to capture the quantitative elements in question.
  5. That survey was followed by detailed customized in-person interviews to allow gathering of further, highly targeted information. Dark Horse’s market researchers are scientists speaking to scientists. This shared language and understanding of the C&GT space enhances confidence and is simply more enjoyable and fruitful for all parties concerned.
  6. DHC compiled information from the online surveys and interviews, including statistical analyses run on the quantitative answers. (See sample dot plot.)
  7. Client received a written report and presentation summary overview of all information obtained, in addition to strategic recommendations and a detailed list of key factors to consider.

Survey participants were asked to rate four different parameters of the proposed product concept using an Expectation Scale of 1-5 (1 = falls below expectations, 5 = exceeds expectations). Survey participants were divided into three customer subgroups corresponding to distinct subsegments of the product’s target market (denoted by color). The mode for each product parameter rating by customer subgroup is indicated by a box outline and corresponding subgroup color.

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